Six Pack Abs

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The new virus AH1N1

In the field of health AH1N1 virus is a new flu virus that combines genes flu fever, avian influenza and human influenza. In health viruses common seasonal flu mutate from year to year. That is why the vaccines used to prevent our health from the common flu differ from year to year and discussed.

It is unknown whether the health of the current strain AH1N1 disappeared, differ in the future due to mutate and change characteristics, so now the current strain of flu known as the new right AI1N1 2009, and for the sake of brevity only referred to as A1N1.

Several studies on the behavior of the new virus this new flu in progress. The current data we have, however, reveal significant differences and similarities between the new flu and the common seasonal flu.

The most serious outbreak in the case of the common seasonal flu caused by influenza virus A.

Epidemics begin abruptly, reaching maximum period of 2-3 weeks, lasting 2-3 months and they disappear as quickly as it started. The influenza epidemics occur almost exclusively in during the winter, in contrast to the tropics, where there is a rise throughout the year. The AH1N1 2009 but remains active even in the summer as opposed to seasonal flu.

The mode of transmission is common, with inoculation of the virus in the respiratory tract, with coughing, the sneezing, speaking, and with contaminated objects. By far the scientific evidence, the patient with new flu is contagious one day before symptoms develop until seven days after the onset of symptoms. Children and some patients may be infectious and spread the disease for longer.

Cases have been identified that transmit the virus for more than twenty days.

For this period the patient should be isolated. Seasonal influenza strains typically from a shorter period contagion, one day before symptoms develop and up to five days after the onset of symptoms.
The symptoms are similar and include sudden onset of fever, muscle aches, headache, cough, swollen glands, chills, malaise. Despite the range of clinical manifestations is broad and ranges from light afebrile respiratory disease like the common cold to severe exhaustion.

Some patients with influenza have fever or diarrhea is also vomiting.

If chronically ill, the disease may have atypical manifestations. The complications include otitis media, sinusitis, meningitis, pneumonia, heart failure, myocarditis, pericarditis, worsening chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma, rhabdomyolysis, renal failure and death.
The most significant differences concern matters of complications and fatal outcome. The severity of seasonal flu varies from year to year due to changes made by the virus from year to year.

Seasonal flu causes many deaths each year. Studies 2% of people affected will be seriously endangered by the typical strains.

Groups at high risk for adverse outcome are children under five years old, pregnant, elderly and people with certain chronic diseases that cause reduction in defense capability such as diabetics, the heart patients, smokers, people with underlying respiratory diseases, the renal patients, people with certain neurological diseases, people with immune deficiencies. Despite the fact that vulnerable groups with chronic diseases in the case of A1N1 2009 are the same, there are significant differences.

Studies show healthy increased incidence of serious complications compared to the typical seasonal influenza in which over 90% of deaths for people over 64 years. This means that healthy older people have increased proportionally to the resistance A1N1 probably due to the presence of antibodies from old sick from similar viruses. Also studies have revealed an increased chance of dangerous complications in obese patients and pregnant women.

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